“Biology of Belief” by Bruce Lipton

This one has been percolating for a while. I still don’t have my head wrapped around this to feel that I am going to do this justice. I also need to get it out of my system so I can move on. I listened to an audio book by a fellow named Bruce Lipton, called…

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Letting Go

37 years ago today.  It was the afternoon. It was warm and sunny. My mind recalls big fluffy white clouds. It was a baseball kind of day.  There’s not a chance I could pull up what I was doing that morning. My gut tells me that I was hanging out at the filming of the…

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Close Your Eyes

What happens when you close your eyes and think about something you’re proud of? A moment in life where you did something that, minutes, weeks, months, or years beforehand you would never have thought you could achieve. Did you build a LEGO all by yourself? Did you score a goal to put your over the…

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Big Boy Bed

I wrote about the loss of a bedroom in a previous post. The idea around what was lurking in the back of my head recently with respect to how a very common event can have long lasting ramifications in one’s life. I lived in 5 different cities before I was 9. I always considered most…

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Know Thyself

I just finished my 2021 polar bear swim. The tradition for me started 15 or 20 years ago. The first couple of years were hit or miss whether or not I would do it. I let things get in the way. My memory on the subject is such that I recall they were pretty lame…

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To end 2020, I wanted to change it up from what’s been coming to the surface of my explorations of my darker self. To be clear, what I mean by that is I have been looking into Carl Jung’s shadow theory. Basically, the early conclusion I’ve come to is that I’ve been feeding the wrong…

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Just a Year?

I woke up this morning, poured my coffee and sat down to plan my day. As soon as I sat down, like the nanosecond I sat down, Google blindsided me with a year-in-review video. Facebook does these videos as well, but something about the timing and content of this one really hit me hard. This…

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The Loss of a Bedroom

I have a memory that is holier than a block of Swiss cheese. For example, I can remember the name of only one elementary school teacher I had, although I have no clue if I could spell it properly (Ms. Buer, 3rd Grade). What makes this recollection even more interesting is that she is the…

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I was having a conversation the other day that I’ve been ruminating incessantly about ever since. I reinforced in this conversation some long standing self-betrayal that I suck at self-motivation. The gist of the conversation circled around the idea that if I have an employer with a deadline, or a coach telling me how far…

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I’ll paint a brief picture of the space around me so you can get a feel for what I’m wrestling with. I’m building a foundation on which I’m hoping will guide me out of the place I’ve been in for much of my life.  It is Christmas Eve of 2020. The apartment that I occupy…

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